Understanding Child Support Texas: Insights from a Texas Appellate Decision

In a recent legal decision from the Texas Court of Appeals in Corpus Christi, a significant ruling was made concerning the application of Social Security disability benefits to "Texas child support" payments. This decision clarifies how lump sum disability payments can be used to offset future "child support Texas" obligations. Also providing valuable guidance for both legal practitioners and individuals dealing with child support modifications.

Background of the Case: Understanding Texas Child Support

The case, titled In the Interest of R.D.E., 2021 Tex. App. LEXIS 4614 (Tex. App. – Corpus Christi June 10, 2021) (Case No. 13-20-00275-CV), originated from a dispute following a 2016 divorce. The father referred to as F, was required to pay "child support Texas". In 2018, he sought to modify his "Texas child support" obligations, citing a "material and substantial change" in his circumstances, and aimed to align his payments with the statutory guidelines.

Intervention by the Office of the Attorney General (OAG)

The Office of the Attorney General intervened, arguing that the father was in arrears of child support in Texas. During the proceedings, it was acknowledged that the father had started receiving Social Security disability benefits. A lump sum of $7,850 was paid to the mother, M, for the benefit of their children due to these benefits.

Legal Arguments and Trial Court Decision

The father argued that the balance of the lump sum payment, after clearing the arrears, should be credited towards his future "Texas child support" obligations. The OAG disagreed, stating that the law did not support this application. However, the trial court sided with the father, applying almost $7,000 of the lump sum towards his future obligations.

Appeals Court Ruling on Texas Child Support

The OAG appealed the decision, but the Court of Appeals upheld the trial court's ruling. The appeals court cited Texas Family Code § 154.132, which mandates that monthly Social Security disability benefits received by a child as a result of the obligor’s disability must be considered when calculating "child support Texas". This would logically extend to lump sum payments, which, if not needed to cover arrears, could be applied to future child support payments.

Implications of the Decision for Child Support Texas

This decision emphasizes that all benefits received by the child due to the obligor’s disability, including lump sum payments, should be factored into the "Texas child support" calculation. This ruling not only provides clarity but also aids in ensuring that child support obligations are fair. And reflective of the obligor's current financial capacity in Texas.


The appellate decision in the Interest of R.D.E. is a landmark ruling with significant implications for how child support is calculated in Texas, particularly concerning Social Security disability benefits. This case highlights the importance of understanding the various forms of income. Including disability benefits, impact child support calculations, and obligations.

This case is a crucial reference point for navigating the complexities of child support modifications in Texas. Especially for the families and legal professionals dealing with similar circumstances.